Green Duckies Archives

An archive of my main blog. These are a few of my favorite posts.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Oddness Of Dana

The title of my blog is Green Duckies and Other Tales of Dana. There are stories of me that we like to laugh about, such as what are Green Duckies or why do I think I’m the Queen of the Universe. Here you will find your answers.

May, 2004
What is a Green Duckie? - My very first post and why my blog has the name it does.
Not A Simek's - Some of the weird things I've been caught saying over the years.

June, 2004
How I became Dana, Queen of the Universe - I am the self-proclaimed Queen of the Universe. This is where my belief came from.
The Fish Hook Saga - Yes. I am a dork. And a Pisces!
Hippo! - A question of the day post about Hippo.
How I chose my screen name - Self-explanatory.
Why I Don't Drive - SE (Self-explanatory).

July, 2004
Driving With Miss Dana - Another tale of my driving experiences.
Why I Should Not Read Stephen King - Yeah, overactive imagination.
Tattooed White Trash* - About my tattoos.

August, 2004
I Go Shopping - About how I am Captain Kirk. And Beth is Spock.
About Blueberries - Random conversation with Keem.
Conversations About Cheese - Random conversation with Keem and Katie.
Lady Looks Like a Dude - Messing with Keem's mind.

September, 2004
Just an update of random stuff - About statistics and why I hate them. Oh, and hanging out with Beth.

October, 2004
Worst Vacation Ever - About my deep love for the ocean. Our relationship came to a screeching halt when the ocean tried to kill me.

November, 2004
Out, damned spot! out, I say!* - About one of my green duckies (frogs) and how I killed him.
Things that fill me with Joy - SE.
Doctor Who, Jesus Christ and me - Memories of the time I was 16.

December, 2004
D'oh! A Deer! - So my friend and I were driving and we ran over a deer and it was kind of scary.
If Love is a Red Dress - Random musings from my mind. You should be afraid. But amused.
Wood Splinters in the Chest Cavity - About my fear of vampires. Perfectly logical.
No Brain Aqui - About my favorite M&M commercial and how I forgot there were blue M&M's.
Things I Have Said to Beth - Scrapbooking with Beth and the crazy things that we talk about.
Click-Hiss - A guy I saw at Fridleykins who had poor techniques when it came to picking up the ladies.
"Well, at least we don't live in our mother's basement"* - Random things that Beth and I have said to each other and why I may be the biggest geek in the world.
Stuck On You - How I mended my jacket with duct tape.

January, 2005
New Year Resolutions - Apparently mine is to not kill anyone this year.
I Took The Words Right Out Of Their Mouths - I have this ability to start picking up the way people talk and sometimes it gets a bit strange.

February, 2005
This wonderful day is brought to you by the makers of Effexor - My God, I love my happy pills.
Vanity, Thy Name is Dana - My roommate thinks I'm vain. I don't.

March, 2005
Is that a salami in your pocket or are you just glad to hear me? - Obscene phone calls I've received working at a sub shop.
Some more evidence for my insanity plea - I decided Beth was the Princess of Doom.

April, 2005
Confession - One of my horrible stories of my wild and crazy youth. I (sob) played Strip Magic. Please don't hate me. And it's Magic, the card game. I didn't try stripping with a David Copperfield wannabe.
Maybe she should have been a cop - Adventures of Keem, furniture police.

May, 2005
8 Mile? Try 8 Year - Yeah, my life kind of sucks. Received news I wasn't expecting from the doctor.
Quite possibly the best description of me. Ever. - From Johnny.
Proof that Johnny is always right - Tree hugging, wanting to go to JournalCom but mainly because of there being pandas at the nearby zoo, being silly at karaoke.
Language Lessons - All about the first swear words I learned.

June, 2005
If fear of something is a phobia, what do you call a fear of fear itself? - A post about my phobias.
Why I am not allowed to play with power tools - I am not exactly careful.

July, 2005
Open Mouth. Insert Foot - Yeah, I kind of told my boss he was the perfect man and flashed my breast at him. Oops.
Edmund Wayde the 2nd - A tale about my nickname in high school. And how I was kidnapped by leprecauns.
One way to get a reputation - About my propensity for tree hugging.
Kiss Me - About getting caught in the rain and my idea of a dream kiss and about the double puppies.

August, 2005
Alcohol - Different times I have been drunk and why I am never drinking again.
Why I'm not a world famous artist - About the art class that I thought would be an easy A.
Those Things Are Hers - Random stuff. Pondering, things I love, things I hate, etc.
My Introduction to Comic Books - About my first boyfriend and why I love comic book geeks.
The Rainbow Connection - How I have a tendency to turn myself different colors.
An Alarming Post - One of my pet peeves.

September, 2005
She Must Die! - Why I want to kill Keem (Okay, not really).
The Life and Times of Dana Marie - Lots of stuff.
How did you celebrate National Talk Like A Pirate Day? - I won Pirate Porn. How about you?
This is wrong - Different images of Jesus. I am so going to hell.

October, 2005
So Saitheth Thy Queen - Things I would do if I was in charge. Don't mess with me, people.
Faking It - Pretty much only I would fake being hypnotized so I didn't embarrass the hypnotist.
November, 2005
FYI - My own public service announcement. About not eating molasses cookies with pickles.
Why I Need Effexor - About my pet rock. He ran away. It has scarred me so.
Reason 1 as to why I am never having children - A horrible babysitting experience.

December, 2005
Now entering cold/flu season - Population me - An amusing list of being sick.
A miracle has happened - I cleaned. Hey. It's a miracle to those who know me.
Happy Tuesday to me - Packages I received, including a scary movie about clowns.
It's Alive! - Things I received in the mail, the long awaited review to the Pirate Porn movie I received in September.

January, 2006
Happy Freakin' New Year - Mainly complaining about work but the horrible day was lightened up when my boss swore at me.
What to write? What to write? - Random billboards that amused me and Keem.
The excitement of my week - Random stuff, covering everything from karaoke to a horrible visit to the doctor in which I ended up being attacked by vampire nurses.

February, 2006
Things I have learned doing laundry and beer is bad - An amusing list (okay, amusing to me) of some of the things that happened to me in laundry and why I should not drink beer ever.
Greetings, Earthling - I mean Alien - I was chosen by blogs in space to be the most likely to be contacted and wrote up some info for them about my oddness.


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