Green Duckies Archives

An archive of my main blog. These are a few of my favorite posts.

Friday, October 29, 2004

Emus & Emails

Okay, that's the worst title ever but I haven't been able to think of anything clever yet. But Beth said she liked it so it's staying. Anyway, these are email conversations that I've had with friends and foes.

June, 2004

Keem and I were bored one day - About my life of crime, the crime being impractical.
An email to Beth - A glimpse into how my mind works.

August, 2004
An email about Josh and Godzilla - Odd how my nephew makes me think of Godzilla.
Old email written about a horribly crappy day - Self Explanatory (SE). But damn funny.
Email about my incredibly creative magnetic poetry – SE
Same Thing - An email between Keem and I where we discuss that just because I say something is the same, it's really not.

October, 2004
Another Reason I Hate Math - An email between the Cream Puff Man and myself.
Old Email Week - Email between Keem and myself about many things, including cheese.
Dreams, Vampires, and why I am going to Hell - Another email between Keem and myself.

February, 2005
An email from my mother and my response - SE.

March, 2005
Just another reason why I love my job - About my boss. He is cool.

May, 2005
Stuff - Includes an email from my boss. Who is still cool. And what my Star Trek personality is.

June, 2005
Reason #453 why I am not having children - it's not an email, it's windows messenger with my sister but it was funny so I'm posting it here. Dang it.

August, 2005
An email of despair (or Holy Crappy Week, Batman!) - An email about how I was having a horrible start to my week, mostly about karaoke.

September, 2005
So. What are you doing this weekend? - An email to my coworkers about the joy of karaoke and why they should come up to the Chalet.
An email that Keem sent me which is grounds for me to murder her - SE.

October, 2005
Spam - About spam emails that I've received.

November, 2005
FYI - Quite possibly the weirdest spam message I've ever received.
Spamalot! - More spam emails.


At November 12, 2004 at 3:15 AM, Blogger brooksba said...


I happen to like the title. It's cute!

I really should go to bed.



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