Green Duckies Archives

An archive of my main blog. These are a few of my favorite posts.

Friday, October 29, 2004

On Top of Old Soap Box

I'm pretty fond of that soap box of mine and the occasional vant. I have very strong opinions about supporting gay rights and I post about that often. If you want to climb the soap box with me, here you go. Anything that I've been on the soap box about will be here. It might be gay rights, it might be politics, it could be child care. You never know. Random charities might end up here as well. Support people. Dammit!

June, 2004
J. Lo marriage website - If you click the link, the website will generate a random person for J. Lo to marry. And then I started on the vant about gay rights.
What's your pet peeve? - I had done this Question of the Day that just did not take off very well and this was one of my questions. Gay rights vant.
Vant regarding a "You Suck" comment left on some stranger's blog - Ticked me off. If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't try to hurt people. It's not nice.
Vant regarding the disfiguring of poor, innocent vegetables and fruits and putting faces on them so that they leer at you from billboards. Vegetables and fruit don't need faces! - There's this grocery store, Rainbow? Yeah, they're evil.
Rainbow vant - the insanity continues - More about the food with faces.
Some bitch in Chicago insulted flea and it annoyed me - I think that's self-explanatory.

July, 2004
Everyone Has The Right To Be Married - SE (Self-Explanatory).
I don't want kids. Leave me alone - An actual conversation I had with co-workers.
Follow-up post to previous - Just because I don't want kids doesn't mean I'm not impressed by people who manage to pull it all together.
What a great idea - it was a thought I had after reading a post someone had written about how, if the government continues to oppose gay marriage, they should pay gays for the benefits they lose out on.
It Could Happen To You, 1, 2 and 3 - A short story I wrote without pronouns. Very difficult.
I said a bad, bad thing - Vant about ketchup, of all things.
Someone You Know Is Gay - A website for a grass roots movement to let people know that you might not be gay but someone you know is.

August, 2004
Book Vant - About a stupid book I read.
Public Displays of Affection - Why they annoy me. Pretty funny, if I do say so myself. And I do.

September, 2004
It's Time To Talk About It - I am dealing with trying to lose weight. The post that started Living Dew Free.
Another Reason to Hate Rainbow - Stupid deli worker annoyed me.

October, 2004
Oh, Republicans will you just wake up and smell the great big dork! - Post about watching the debate between Kerry and Bush.
Gay Marriage Poll - SE.
Anonymous? Friend or Great Big Chicken? - Some person (and I use this term loosely) decided to post garbage on my site. Here's my response.
Stop the Presses! - My response to Anonymous when he called me fat.

November, 2004
Drunken Chicken Dances - Waiting for the results of the election.
I Will Survive - The election is over. Stupid Republicans.
Why Does Something Like This Happen? - A post about a little boy who was brutally attacked.
Musical Soapboxes - Vant about music.
How the Grinch Stole Marriage - In support of gay marriage.

December, 2004
Click-Hiss or How to Annoy Me - Vant about those stupid, annoying walkie-talkie phones.

January, 2005
Well, at least it's exercise - Climbing up on my soapbox again about those against gay marriage.

May, 2005
Lists - Mark asked me for a list of people I would like rumble with. George Bush is on there. Big shock.

July, 2005
Trying to remain calm - Regarding the bombings in London
An alarming post - I have a problem with sentences that repeat words.

October, 2005
So Saitheth Thy Queen - What I would do if I was recognized as Queen of the Universe.


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