Green Duckies Archives

An archive of my main blog. These are a few of my favorite posts.

Monday, November 01, 2004

What Was I Thinking? AKA WWIT?

Everyone makes mistakes, right? It's normal? Yeah. Welcome to my world. I don't just have mistakes, I have huge blunders that are both horrible and hilarious in equal categories (pretty much horrible at the time they happen and then hilarious later on).

Go ahead. Laugh. I know I do. If only because I have gone out of my way to find that which is funny and ignore the sadness. Life's too short to be crying all the time. Plus, I'm hoping that others might learn from my mistakes...After all, if you can't be a good example, be a horrible warning.

Posts about my horrendous dating life:

July, 2004
When Fantasy crashes into Reality... - The first WWIT? post.

August, 2004
This isn't about my dating life, it's a friend's but it's pretty funny. Read it, dammit. – SE (Self-Explanatory).
My First Kiss - SE.
Defense of my no kissing for 7 years record – SE.

September, 2004
Did you know I was engaged once? - Marvel at my desperateness.
The Tale of the Blue Stiffy - Or how I lost my virginity twice.
Cream Puff Man - My arch enemy.

October, 2004
The exception to the rule - I did date a pretty decent guy once.

November, 2004
Zombie Lovin' - About my musician boyfriend and how he may have wished I was dead.
Gangster's Moll - About how I dated a gang member and didn't have a clue.
Doctor Who, Jesus Christ and Me - About how I had it bad for a guy 8 years older than me.

December, 2004
The lengths I go to protect my friends - A bad decision made when drunk.

February, 2005
What about Rob, part one, part two & part 3 - He chose a woman ten years older than him who was married with a child over me. What was he thinking?


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