Green Duckies Archives

An archive of my main blog. These are a few of my favorite posts.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

I Had A Dream (and it was really weird)

Yeah, so my dreams? They freak me out. When I remember them. A lot of times I just have vague memories about being chased by vampires. Why do you hate me so, vampires?

June, 2004
I dream of Riverdance - Which may quite possibly be worse than vampires.

October, 2004
Dreams, Vampires & Why I'm going to hell - An old email but it mentions two very odd dreams I had about Patrick Warburton (Mmm, Puddy).

December, 2004
Proof that I might be insane - Two (count them, 2) dreams with Jesse "The Body" Ventura.
What is up with these dreams? - Will Smith painted me gold. Yeah, I don't get it either.
Why you should not watch the original Batman movie two nights in a row - Really weird dream that was like a comic book & had the Rock in it.

January, 2005
Validation - About how cool Bryan and Liz are. So cool that I dream about them.

February, 2005
Promise me something - A comment I made about a possibly erotic dream I had that may or may not have involved a bartender & Diet Coke.
Prince Charming? - I dreamt I met the perfect guy for Beth.

March, 2005
Dream a little dream- A very odd dream involving a drill sergeant & the CEO of NABABNA.

April, 2005
Soylent Green! It's Dana - I dreamt about George Clooney & how he asked me out to dinner.
I love Portugal - Mainly about how great Portugal is but a weird dream I had of my mom.

May, 2005
My Weekend O'Excitement - How my fake boyfriend tried to kill me. It's mainly about karaoke.

November, 2005


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