Green Duckies Archives

An archive of my main blog. These are a few of my favorite posts.

Friday, October 29, 2004

On Top of Old Soap Box

I'm pretty fond of that soap box of mine and the occasional vant. I have very strong opinions about supporting gay rights and I post about that often. If you want to climb the soap box with me, here you go. Anything that I've been on the soap box about will be here. It might be gay rights, it might be politics, it could be child care. You never know. Random charities might end up here as well. Support people. Dammit!

June, 2004
J. Lo marriage website - If you click the link, the website will generate a random person for J. Lo to marry. And then I started on the vant about gay rights.
What's your pet peeve? - I had done this Question of the Day that just did not take off very well and this was one of my questions. Gay rights vant.
Vant regarding a "You Suck" comment left on some stranger's blog - Ticked me off. If you don't like it, don't read it. Don't try to hurt people. It's not nice.
Vant regarding the disfiguring of poor, innocent vegetables and fruits and putting faces on them so that they leer at you from billboards. Vegetables and fruit don't need faces! - There's this grocery store, Rainbow? Yeah, they're evil.
Rainbow vant - the insanity continues - More about the food with faces.
Some bitch in Chicago insulted flea and it annoyed me - I think that's self-explanatory.

July, 2004
Everyone Has The Right To Be Married - SE (Self-Explanatory).
I don't want kids. Leave me alone - An actual conversation I had with co-workers.
Follow-up post to previous - Just because I don't want kids doesn't mean I'm not impressed by people who manage to pull it all together.
What a great idea - it was a thought I had after reading a post someone had written about how, if the government continues to oppose gay marriage, they should pay gays for the benefits they lose out on.
It Could Happen To You, 1, 2 and 3 - A short story I wrote without pronouns. Very difficult.
I said a bad, bad thing - Vant about ketchup, of all things.
Someone You Know Is Gay - A website for a grass roots movement to let people know that you might not be gay but someone you know is.

August, 2004
Book Vant - About a stupid book I read.
Public Displays of Affection - Why they annoy me. Pretty funny, if I do say so myself. And I do.

September, 2004
It's Time To Talk About It - I am dealing with trying to lose weight. The post that started Living Dew Free.
Another Reason to Hate Rainbow - Stupid deli worker annoyed me.

October, 2004
Oh, Republicans will you just wake up and smell the great big dork! - Post about watching the debate between Kerry and Bush.
Gay Marriage Poll - SE.
Anonymous? Friend or Great Big Chicken? - Some person (and I use this term loosely) decided to post garbage on my site. Here's my response.
Stop the Presses! - My response to Anonymous when he called me fat.

November, 2004
Drunken Chicken Dances - Waiting for the results of the election.
I Will Survive - The election is over. Stupid Republicans.
Why Does Something Like This Happen? - A post about a little boy who was brutally attacked.
Musical Soapboxes - Vant about music.
How the Grinch Stole Marriage - In support of gay marriage.

December, 2004
Click-Hiss or How to Annoy Me - Vant about those stupid, annoying walkie-talkie phones.

January, 2005
Well, at least it's exercise - Climbing up on my soapbox again about those against gay marriage.

May, 2005
Lists - Mark asked me for a list of people I would like rumble with. George Bush is on there. Big shock.

July, 2005
Trying to remain calm - Regarding the bombings in London
An alarming post - I have a problem with sentences that repeat words.

October, 2005
So Saitheth Thy Queen - What I would do if I was recognized as Queen of the Universe.

Emus & Emails

Okay, that's the worst title ever but I haven't been able to think of anything clever yet. But Beth said she liked it so it's staying. Anyway, these are email conversations that I've had with friends and foes.

June, 2004

Keem and I were bored one day - About my life of crime, the crime being impractical.
An email to Beth - A glimpse into how my mind works.

August, 2004
An email about Josh and Godzilla - Odd how my nephew makes me think of Godzilla.
Old email written about a horribly crappy day - Self Explanatory (SE). But damn funny.
Email about my incredibly creative magnetic poetry – SE
Same Thing - An email between Keem and I where we discuss that just because I say something is the same, it's really not.

October, 2004
Another Reason I Hate Math - An email between the Cream Puff Man and myself.
Old Email Week - Email between Keem and myself about many things, including cheese.
Dreams, Vampires, and why I am going to Hell - Another email between Keem and myself.

February, 2005
An email from my mother and my response - SE.

March, 2005
Just another reason why I love my job - About my boss. He is cool.

May, 2005
Stuff - Includes an email from my boss. Who is still cool. And what my Star Trek personality is.

June, 2005
Reason #453 why I am not having children - it's not an email, it's windows messenger with my sister but it was funny so I'm posting it here. Dang it.

August, 2005
An email of despair (or Holy Crappy Week, Batman!) - An email about how I was having a horrible start to my week, mostly about karaoke.

September, 2005
So. What are you doing this weekend? - An email to my coworkers about the joy of karaoke and why they should come up to the Chalet.
An email that Keem sent me which is grounds for me to murder her - SE.

October, 2005
Spam - About spam emails that I've received.

November, 2005
FYI - Quite possibly the weirdest spam message I've ever received.
Spamalot! - More spam emails.

The Best Movie Ever!

I love movies. I go to see movies. I write about going to see movies. There is one movie I can say that I hated. Everything else, yeah, I like it.

June, 2004
The Besties! - Some of my favorite movies. Which you will love. Obviously.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azakaban - Self-Explanatory.
Around The World In 80 Days - SE (Self-Explanatory).

July, 2004
Spiderman! - SE.
Hanging Out With Beth - Lots of movies in one day.

August, 2004
Hanging Out With Beth Again - More movies.
Double Feature - Two movies I saw with Keem.

October, 2004 -
My God, why am I awake? - More movies.
Musical Soapboxes - Seeing the Incredibles and climbing on the soapbox
Countdown - 10 movies I can watch over and over again

December, 2004
At least we don't live in our mother's basement - Random stuff but The Rundown is mentioned (oh, The Rock. How I love thee).
Why you should not watch the original Batman movie 2 nights in a row - It's not so much about the movie, it's more because of a very odd dream I had

January, 2005
Uh, did you say Utes? - About My Cousin Vinny.

April, 2005
Soylent Green! It's Dana! - I really can't explain it. Just read it.

May, 2005
Neglect - A whole bunch of movies
Movie Meme - SE.
BJTM Update - It mentions National Treasure

July, 2005
Wicked Game - It briefly mentions Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Pavlov's Dog - Mentions a few movies, including March of the Penguins.

August, 2005
Can't Take My Eyes Off of You - Partially about Plan 9 From Out Space.
Sister Golden Hair - Mostly about karaoke but it mentions Saved (hilarious).

September, 2005
How Did You Spend National Talk Like A Pirate Day? - I won Pirate Porn.
Joss Whedon is My Master Now - I saw Serenity and it was good. Great. Fantastic!

October, 2005
About Beth's Birthday - Well, I'm now up to two movies I don't like. Click this link to find out which ones they are.

Author Envy

Why yes, I am a struggling writer (okay, not so much struggling because I am not actually working on anything at the moment. Well, I am but my brain is weird and doesn't do what I want it to do which is turn out best selling novels and stop criticizing my work!). Here are some of the writers that I adore and want them to continue writing many, many novels and (and this is a bolded and) also links to some of the blogs that I have discovered gleefully throughout the year I have been blogging. And what I had to say about them. But if they had a meme or something that could be interpreted as a meme then it won't be here. It will be elsewhere.

Mil Millington posts. Mil is a fabulous man from England who has a cult website and a wicked sense of humor and 2 (soon to be 3 books) published. He is amazing and amusing.

Meet Mil Millington - The first post.

Nora Roberts posts. She's my favorite romance author (Mil is my favorite English author) and I think she is brilliant.

I need something to read! - The first post about Nora.
More stuff about Nora - A plea for something to read.

A meme about my favorite books - SE.

JK Rowling - My thoughts on the 6th book of Harry Potter.

Random Authors or Websites

June, 2004
CSI: & Buffy - Didn't think they had much to do with each other? Well, in my universe, they unite. At least my admiration for the writers. Here's where you can find the transcripts of the episodes. Just in case you're as obsessed as I am. - Only my favorite website. It is very funny. I have Motivation & Bitterness desktoppers here at work. - Home of the 1974 Weight Watchers cards. Also a link to Dress Up Lambuel. Found on a day that I was extremely bored and tired. Never a good combination.

July, 2004
Three of my favorite blogs - Frog. Flea. Finslippy.

August, 2004
More favorite blogs - The afforementioned 3f's, Que Sera Sera & Dooce.

September, 2004
Links From Frog - SE.
Another link from frog - SE.

November, 2004
Drunken Chicken Dances - a post inspired by

May, 2005
So you're back - After I got back from Portugal. Some links to flea's sites.
What a man really wants - Another link to flea's blog.
Lists - Lists several bloggers I wish would write a novel.

August, 2005
These Things Are Hers - a post inspired by Sarcomical

October, 2005
Books I read in September - SE. Inspired by Udge

Meme me me that

Sorry, I love the original Batman so I had to do a play on words for The Riddler (Riddle me this...riddle me that).

Anyway, if you haven't guessed, this will be my section for memes (otherwise known as internet surveys) or cool websites that I have found during my journey through the internet world.


June, 2004
The first meme - 50 questions & answers - all about me, baby!
Not really a meme, just quotes that I like – Self Explanatory (SE).
It Speaks For Itself - My random Latin quote.
I'm Barefoot! - What type of Shoe are you?
Not a meme but funny - 10 worst album covers link doesn't work anymore, apparently but the 2nd one does. And it's worth it.

July, 2004
What Classic Book Are You? - SE.
What Finding Nemo Character Are You? – SE.
Googlism - Not a meme but yet memelike.

August, 2004
What's Your Pirate Name? - SE.
Career Test - SE.
CD Meme and other Meme that I don't have a name for - SE.
How Random Are You? - SE.
Many Memes At Once - SE.

September, 2004
What Ewan McGregor movie are you? - SE.
What kind of bride are you? - SE.
What decade are you? - SE.
What biological molecue are you? - SE.

October, 2004
Another day, another meme – SE.
What Weight Watcher's card from 1974 are you? - SE.

November, 2004
Last Meme - Meme about the last time you did something.
Countdown - Meme about different things, numbered.
What flower are you? - SE.

December, 2004
What kind of cat are you? - SE.
We Three Things of Memeness Are - Meme about 3 things, different questions.

January, 2005
Meme about books - SE.
High School Meme - SE.

February, 2005
Music Meme - SE.
10 things I've done that you probably haven't - SE.

April, 2005
Stick Meme - Books, Deserted Islands, What state have you lived in.
What kind of American dialect do you speak? - SE.
How Normal are you? - SE. Ooh. Guess.

May, 2005
Just because - Useless quiz. Means nothing.
Okay, I'm bored - Random hobby from the makers of the useless quiz
Photography Meme - Random objects that you post pictures of...not complete
Nine Layers of Me - SE.
What's Your World View? - SE.
What's Your High School Stereotype? - SE.
What's The Right Religion For You? - SE.
5 Questions About Me! - SE.
Music Meme - Answer questions about yourself using only the song titles by your favorite artist.
Lists - Mark gave me a bunch of questions to answer. It got weird.
10 Things I've Never Done - Mark tagged me again. Fun.
Music Meme Remix - Same Music Meme but with different artists.

June, 2005
If I Could Be... - SE.
Book Meme - SE.
Getting To Know You - Questions and answers about me.
ABC Meme - SE.
Five Things I Miss From My Childhood - SE.
I Am From - A poem template about your childhood. Very cool.
The Fake Interview Meme - My friend Beth and her former boss were conducting interviews and they came up with a lot of questions they wanted to ask but couldn't. I thought it was memelike.
Weblog Survey - SE.

July, 2005
100 Things About Me - SE.
Memories, Misty Colored Memories - Various Meme questions.
The ABC's of Music - SE.
Chances Are - Links to posts from one year, nine months and three months ago.
Seven. Lucky Seven. - SE.

September, 2005
Stumbling Through The Dark - Fall meme.

October, 2005
This is extremely fun! - It's a meme in which you describe people. Hard to explain.
Google Images Meme - You answer various questions by going through Google Images and finding pictures that fit the answers. Fun.
Blogging Meme - Questions about blogging.
Confessions - You select things that you have done.
I discovered Blogthings - lots of memes.
I thought she'd never ask - It's more about the describing people meme.
What Muppet are you? - I'm Kermit.
More blogthings - SE.
Dana needs - You search Google with that phrase.
I am a monster - more Blogthings.
Dana loves - The same as Dana needs.
More memes, this time from Quizilla - SE.

November, 2005
What movie kiss, Napolean Dynamite character, etc. are you? - SE.

December, 2005
The Dana Vittum Variety Hour - one of those getting to know you memes.
Memories, misty fake memories - Lots of fun, make up a memory about the person posting.
Can't sleep, so let's meme - A list of songs you're really into at that time.
Bored, bored, bored - What Santa's reindeer are you, are you a diva, etc. SE.
Four by four - A meme that asks you to list four things for each question.

January, 2006
Top Ten Trivia Facts - You enter in a name and it will give you random facts about things and substitute the name for the real words.
This Made Us Laugh - Random New Year's Resolution Generator.
What Type of Weather Are You - Blogthings & also I'm reaching aliens with blog in space.

February, 2006
Which Classic Winnie the Pooh Character are you? - Blogthings again.
To Tell the Truth, I'm Probably Lying - You tell four true things and one lie and people have to guess what the lie is.
Answers to the above meme and my Johari Interactive Window - SE
Five questions - Random questions about you, such as what book you're reading, etc.

March, 2006
What Color is Your Brain? - Quizilla test.
Poetry Friday - Yeah. I lasted one week. The poem I chose was "Dover Beach" by Matthew Arnold. I've always liked that poem, since high school.
The Calvin or Hobbes Test - I'm mostly Calvin. No one is overly surprised by this.
Poetry Friday 2 - Okay, I lied. I lasted two weeks. "Nothing Gold Can Stay" by Robert Frost. Also liked this poem since high school.

April, 2006
What Time of Day Are You? - Blogthings again.

June, 2006
Meme that is hard to come up with a name for - The person that posts the meme assigns you a letter and you have to come up with 10 words starting with that letter that describe you.

July, 2006
Meme-Ology - Different questions in categories. One of those "getting to know you" memes.
English Skills Test - Blogthings again.

August, 2006
What Planet Are You? - And again with the Blogthings.

September, 2006
What Political Leaning Are You - And Blogthings again.

Websites that are fun
Human For Sale – A website where you can find out how much you're worth. It was fun.
About Despair - Actually, about my favorite website.
Glarkware - Not really a meme but it didn't fit anywhere else.
20Q - Weird 20 questions website.
My very own trading card - Not really a meme, more of a website that I liked.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Music Makes The World Go Round

I love to sing. I like hanging out with my friends. With that in mind, there's no better place I like to be on a Sunday evening than at The Chalet in Saint Paul, kicking back, listening to Bryan (our jovial karaoke host) belt out a song that will always sound better than the original artists version. You should hear this man sing Flake or Bridge Over Trouble Water. Oh, hell, you should just hear him.

Oh, just for the record, the posts about Bobby should be taken with a grain of salt. He's a nice guy, he has wonderful, masculine hands but I never took any of this seriously. It was all for fun.

So, come on down to The Chalet on Sunday. We're usually there about 9:30-10 PM.

June, 2004
Come for Bryan, stay for the karaoke - My first post about karaoke.
It's always lalalalala, shopping with our friends - Romance, Dana style. Meaning non-existant. I held hands with Big Wayne, the world's tallest man.
My favorite song - Favorite song to sing at karaoke, perfect unrequieted love song.
Karaoke Vant, Part One and Part Two - Some rules for karaoke.
Random musings from a karaoke filled Sunday - Drunk table, drunk table sings Picture.

July, 2004
Beer Goggles, Part One - Otherwise known as the beginning of the Red Shirt Experience. First appearance of Cowboy Joe.
Beer Goggles, Part Two – Chris and Jordan, Randall Flagg becomes my fake boyfriend.
True Friendship - Random conversation at karaoke about my setting myself on fire.

August, 2004
Why I love the song Que Sera Sera - About a bartender I had a thing for.

September, 2004
An Open Invitation to the World - Please come to karaoke.
Let the Mighty Cry of Whoo Fill the Night! - My version of the Red Shirt Experiment.
Conversations before, at and after Karaoke - Man boobs and my campaign proclamation for when I run for president.
A loaf of bread, a jug of Diet Coke (with a lime slice) and thou - Oh, Bobby. Move me.
Song Title Dialouge - I and You - Beth and I were having fun at karaoke.

October, 2004
Random Karaoke Stuff – Cowboy Joe returns, I create the "Last Piece of Pizza" song.
The Seduction of Water - About Bobby. And water. Oh, my God, those hands.
My God, why am I awake? - Random stuff about preparing to go to karaoke.
I Have Cleavage! - More preparations for karaoke.
I Was Bad - Skipping out of work because of an excess of karaoke.

November, 2004
She Flew the Coupe - The first Halloween karaoke.
Hairy Topic - About my hair and Bobby's hair and Wah. Ter.
Movies and Karaoke - Can Life get any better? The night of the Northern Lights.
Life as we know it - Update about my weekend. Karaoke is mentioned fleetingly.
Things I say in my head - About this weird guy at karaoke who wanted to sign my notebook.

December, 2004
For Beth, because she needs something to read - Foreshadowing to the "How Did I End Up on a Date With Pete?" story.
The Seduction of Diet Coke - The hands again. And Diet Coke.
The Lengths I Go To For My Friends - About how the "How Did I End Up on a Date With Pete?" ended with my faking an asthma attack.

January, 2005
Oh baby, oh baby, oh - Partly to do with karaoke because of the girl who tried to feel me up.
Pierced Through the Heart With A Dagger Shaped Slice of Lime - The loss of the dream of the hands. Oh, the hands.
202-09 – A Karaoke Tale - 202-09 is the number for People Are Strange by the Doors. "Beth On Drugs," Being drooled on by a drunkard wanting me to sing 202-09, the almost bar fight over a hat.
Enter Breadman - Hearing problems in a most humorous way.
Validation - Liz (Bryan's girlfriend) sat at our table. We are so cool. Also the list on what makes us Bryan's stalkers.

February, 2005
Promise Me Something - Never let me talk to men. I will embarrass myself. Case in point - "I dream about the gun."

March, 2005
It's Quite Possible I Am a Teenage Boy - Hearing problems in a most sexual way.

April, 2005
Karaoke Gone Wild - Among everything else of craziness, this was the night that Char and Tom's tires got stolen.
Pretend Karaoke - While Beth and I were in Portugal, we missed a night of karaoke. This is how we got by.

May, 2005
She's going to kill us - About Johnny mostly but also, got my first kiss in forever. Yay, Andrew!
Proof that Johnny is always right - Johnny said I was delightfully and refreshingly mad. This is one of the reasons why. Part of it is about karaoke - Beth and I were giggly and I had buffalo wings to help clear out my sinuses. It's a whole bunch of random stuff that's not really all that important.
What A Man Really Wants - It's about Gil (Guy I like) so it is about karaoke in a way.
My Weekend O'Excitement - The Chalet sign is green (well, it was a shock to us), interpretive dance by drunkards, listening to Picture twice!, trying the what a man really wants out on Dean, why we're not introducing Bryan to our future husbands until after the wedding (which might be difficult because I want him to perform the ceremony).
At Last - The tale of Quagna, my South African boyfriend, and our tale of true love. Excuse me while I laugh hysterically.

June, 2005
Just call me Mata Hari - A night a karaoke when I was adored by men. It was kinda nice.

July, 2005
Tick me off - Mainly about a post I lost but also how I revealed Gil's secret identity to Liz. Because I had been drinking and obviously became insane.
Wicked Game - My weekend but about karaoke as well. And Gil. Sigh. And iTunes doesn't lie because it pointed out that he is my superhero.
Pavlov's Bell - We can't talk about it. It being I am crazy about Gil. Sigh again.
Thoughts from Karaoke - Waiting for Beth. Bryan has a goat on his shirt, I gave Liz two birthday cards, the anorexic woman that I thought might try to eat Bryan.

August, 2005
Can't Take My Eyes off of You - About karaoke and how Beth revealed Gil's real name to Angie and Amy and she and Angie passed notes and I almost had a heart attack.
Alcohol - Yeah, I got a bit drunk at karaoke, mainly a story about past drunken episodes.
Those Things Are Hers - Random thoughts, some from karaoke.
Sister Golden Hair - Saying goodbye to Char. Sob. Beth painted my arm with ice cream.
Touch-A, Touch-A, Touch Me - Trying to break the touch barrier with Gil, observing the mating dance between a patron, Jack (short for Jackass), and women.
An email of Despair - An email to Rachel about karaoke, about the shooting that took place across the street at Lake McCarren and there was no Gil and I was sad. Oh, and no one died.
Sledgehammer - I broke the touch barrier! And told him that he made beer smell good.

September, 2005
So. What are you doing this weekend? - An email invitation to karaoke. And about the Chalet having another police investigation. Sheesh.
I am not stalling - I had delayed writing about karaoke. Char came to karaoke from Texas (It was a su-preeze!), Beth's new name is Buffy, The first night that Jim (he of the high pitched Ah's) showed up at the Chalet, Obviously Drunken Man fell asleep, Drunken James (celebrating his birthday) who removed his pants and also tried to play a flute, I mentioned, in Man Pretty Ryan's hearing, that his black eye made him hot, Barry proves he is a serial killer by disappearing, got a ride from the decent cab driver, I felt Andrew's hair, I gave James' his birthday card.
Amazing - My new nickname is created (Hurricane Dana), Guru announces to the world that he is not gay and offers to prove it, I blather about Gil.
The Life and Times of Dana Marie - The first appearance of Bad Brad, cab driving psycho, Bryan's cab story, the first ever New Sex Song Sunday.

October, 2005
Big Red Boat - Beth got hit on by a suprising person so Bryan became Uncle Bryan, I checked out Gil and was caught, etc, New Sex Song Sunday returns.
Open Mouth. Insert Foot - Yeah, I actually used the "L" word when Gil walked by me. Oops.
Bring Me Some Water - A female was touching Gil. Not that I was jealous. No. Never. Also includes Spam Ballet, plastic sword fighting with Beth, actually dancing in public, Beth on sugar (close to Beth on drugs but not quite).
Weekend Update - Includes karaoke, getting hooked on Lost, going commando.
About Beth's birthday and karaoke and other stuff - Barry was there, celebrating Beth's birthday
More stuff about karaoke - Beth wants me to sing a song about chicken (first time), Bryan being a talking mime, Shawn sang Beth, playing the Match Game of Karaoke (you choose three people to suggest a song and you have to sing one of them).
Halloween Karaoke 2005 - Let's put it this way. I was the only person who dressed up. The red light from Hell, pictures of Nate and Becky (foreshadowing), Suicide Karaoke (Bryan chose the songs for us).

November, 2005
Why I need Effexor - How my pet rock ran away, Scary anorexic woman returns.
Why I am never drinking again - Hey. I think I said this before, I insult Guru, announcing my piercings to the table. Also includes my man check list. Pictures - Mainly about Josh but there is a picture from karaoke at the very end.
Things I need to do - Why can I not resist Beth? Is she the Borg?
You might be a karaoke junkie if - A check list about reasons why we are karaoke junkies. Also a link to Beth's post about the (possible) hookers.
The avidly awaited bi-weekly karaoke post - A birthday party celebration that we sort of became a part of, I wished I was a door (Man Pretty Ryan. That explains all), meeting Matt for the first time.
Karaoke & more karaoke & even more karaoke - New Kids on the Block Sunday (oh the horror!) and the annual Night Before Thanksgiving Karaoke.
I can't take the pressure anymore! - The long awaited Thanksgiving karaoke post - creepy beret guy that isn't Craig, meeting Mrs. Joe Funko, Beth had Angie sing "I Can't Fight This Feeling." Also a lot of stuff about Gil.

December, 2005
Karaoke Escapades - Becky and Nate broke up, there was possible flirting with Gil
For Your Love - Karaoke was KRAAAZZZZZIIIIEEEE - Pete touched me (ew), there was a busload of whores, I almost got into a fight with a girl who played air guitar, my list as to why I am not a karaoke prima donna
Carve Your Name - An update about how karaoke was so crazy. The titles for these two posts are titles of The Nadas songs.
Stuff - Brief bit about karaoke, mainly about how I told Ryan he was man pretty and went through James and Matt's wallets.
Crazy Little Thing Called Karaoke - Introduction to Hot Craig, Drunk woman with flashy shirt who wanted Bryan to sing Hark the Herald Angels Sing, we receive an invitation to Matt's birthday party
Hey. Doesn't that guy look like a peanut? - There was this guy. And he looked like a peanut. And also possible lap dancers.
I don't even know where to begin - Crazy Tall Guy and how he glommed onto our table and how we went into this whole Improv thing that involved Aaron crying into my chest and Dean yelling at the guy for assuming he celebrated Kwaanza

January, 2006
For your reading pleasure - An essay entitled Why I am never returning to the Chalet - I just reread this post and honestly, I have no clue. Apparently Bobby said he knew why I liked to play with the gun (?).
Let's Play Catch Up - I was accused to singing directly to Gil and also the tale of Matt's birthday party
Remember when I said I was never going to drink again? - Drunken posting about how I got drunk. I told Gil (real name is James) that I liked him. I compared him to Batman. Adam West Batman. Oh, dear God in Heaven.
Alcohol is bad but I'm kind of grateful for it - Sober posting about how I got drunk. More detail.
I have nothing to report and also a meme - Dealing with seeing James after confessing my total like to him
The excitement of my week - a list of things that happened at karaoke, nothing overly exciting (despite the title).

February, 2006
Things I have learned while doing laundry and Beer is Bad - Another rehashing about what happened the night I got drunk and also I was Matt's confidante. Matt really likes Beth.
Memories of Karaoke Past - Going to the wheel, Andrew and Becky started dating (didn't last long. Dang it), other stuff
Karaoke junkies of the world, unite! - The creation of the official karaoke power salute while watching American Idol

March, 2006
Week 3 - Mainly about Weight Watchers but also about my pictures taken at karaoke to help document my weight loss
Happy Birthday to Me! - About my birthday celebration and seeing Amy's concert
Happy Birthday to Me - Part Two - Singing opera like with Craig, Beth and Angie and a teaser about the hug and card from James (sigh)
Seriously. I think Shakespeare was right about this one - My birthday celebration written as if it was an episode from Herman's Head
Open Mouth. Insert Heart - More about James (sigh) and how I can't talk to him because I turn into a big goofy idiot
Why? For the love of God, why? - More about what a big goofy idiot I am when I talk to James

April, 2006
Yeah, I pay attention - A day in the life post (the first one) that has some karaoke in it (conversations with Beth and Liz, drunken woman who sings loudly)
So. Do you want to know what happened at karaoke last night? - He hugged me. That's pretty much the whole post.
Priceless - Mock Mastercard commerical for karaoke, NASCAR limo freaks
Priceless continued - About the hug, 2nd appearance of Bad Brad, the cab driving freak
It's Over and Other News - A little bit about karaoke, nothing much.

May, 2006
Yikes - Donny finds Jesus. At the Taco Bell down the street.
Random Fan Letters - A fan letter to Jonny Lang which is mainly about how great karaoke is and how much I like James. It was written as a joke. I am not completely insane. Oh shut up.
What should I write about, Beth? - A fan letter to chicken, I almost choked to death on a pepper flake, I found romance (HA!) with a Creepy Crazy Guy (CCG) that was singing to me and Matt had to pretend to be my fake boyfriend. Watching James in a debate about comic books (why is that a turn-on? Why?) and he hugged me. Yay!

June, 2006
What happened at karaoke and a meme - I asked James out. Sort of. To a movie. That doesn't come out until February of 2007. But, hey, he said yes! And some girl Theresa was there and I don't like her because she gets all dramatic when she sings and she is snobby and irritating. I admit that I use a subtle ploy to touch James (said subtle ploy being to read whatever is on his shirt).
A Day in the Life 3 - Beth made a new friend (read odd woman whose boyfriend tried to strangle her and we kind of understand why), the disco balls dies because of a total freak who was stripping to Ghostbusters.
Yet another freak finds us - Some guy named Robert who was odd, a bigot and asked if I was a lesbian because I sang a song with the word girl in it. Yeah. Everyone knows that's how you can tell if someone is gay. Sheesh.

July, 2006
Trailer Park Queen? - Grizzly Adams expresses his enthusiasm for my singing and compares me to the lead singer for Trailer Park Queen.
Questions for you - Beth coins the phrase Tom Cruise Crazy by witnessing the actions of a very drunk man, Liz goes on a rampage about Kathy Griffin and Carrot Top.
Just Call Me Mata Hari, Part 2 - The return of Bad Brad (3 times the charm is not true where he's concerned), I am not a swinger!, my beauty has enticed another.

August, 2006
Fashion Nightmare Sunday - Beret wearing Craig showed up in a suit and suspenders, some guy wearing pink shorts, another guy dressed like he wandered off the set of Grease and a cowboy. Put them all together and you have an evening of laughter.
Rumble at the Chalet - Beth on drugs again (this time it was cold medicine), an almost bar fight about karaoke between the White Shirt gang and some innocent bystanders.
State Fair Sunday - Conversations at the Chalet on a slow night.

Non-Karaoke Stuff but still about Music

Defense of a song - I like the song It's Not Easy (Superman) by Five for Fighting. Beth and Matt don't.
Hearing Problems - Not many songs have the words "Until you're back with bacon." But they should.
Midnight at the Oasis, the vant - AKA the song by that woman on crack.
Melissa Etheridge concert - SE.
Giant - About a Melissa Etheridge song.
Things that fill me with joy - SE.
Starry, Starry Night - About a guy I used to go see sing when in high school and Rock Star: INXS
Gimme Some Lovin' - More about Rock Star: INXS

The Oddness Of Dana

The title of my blog is Green Duckies and Other Tales of Dana. There are stories of me that we like to laugh about, such as what are Green Duckies or why do I think I’m the Queen of the Universe. Here you will find your answers.

May, 2004
What is a Green Duckie? - My very first post and why my blog has the name it does.
Not A Simek's - Some of the weird things I've been caught saying over the years.

June, 2004
How I became Dana, Queen of the Universe - I am the self-proclaimed Queen of the Universe. This is where my belief came from.
The Fish Hook Saga - Yes. I am a dork. And a Pisces!
Hippo! - A question of the day post about Hippo.
How I chose my screen name - Self-explanatory.
Why I Don't Drive - SE (Self-explanatory).

July, 2004
Driving With Miss Dana - Another tale of my driving experiences.
Why I Should Not Read Stephen King - Yeah, overactive imagination.
Tattooed White Trash* - About my tattoos.

August, 2004
I Go Shopping - About how I am Captain Kirk. And Beth is Spock.
About Blueberries - Random conversation with Keem.
Conversations About Cheese - Random conversation with Keem and Katie.
Lady Looks Like a Dude - Messing with Keem's mind.

September, 2004
Just an update of random stuff - About statistics and why I hate them. Oh, and hanging out with Beth.

October, 2004
Worst Vacation Ever - About my deep love for the ocean. Our relationship came to a screeching halt when the ocean tried to kill me.

November, 2004
Out, damned spot! out, I say!* - About one of my green duckies (frogs) and how I killed him.
Things that fill me with Joy - SE.
Doctor Who, Jesus Christ and me - Memories of the time I was 16.

December, 2004
D'oh! A Deer! - So my friend and I were driving and we ran over a deer and it was kind of scary.
If Love is a Red Dress - Random musings from my mind. You should be afraid. But amused.
Wood Splinters in the Chest Cavity - About my fear of vampires. Perfectly logical.
No Brain Aqui - About my favorite M&M commercial and how I forgot there were blue M&M's.
Things I Have Said to Beth - Scrapbooking with Beth and the crazy things that we talk about.
Click-Hiss - A guy I saw at Fridleykins who had poor techniques when it came to picking up the ladies.
"Well, at least we don't live in our mother's basement"* - Random things that Beth and I have said to each other and why I may be the biggest geek in the world.
Stuck On You - How I mended my jacket with duct tape.

January, 2005
New Year Resolutions - Apparently mine is to not kill anyone this year.
I Took The Words Right Out Of Their Mouths - I have this ability to start picking up the way people talk and sometimes it gets a bit strange.

February, 2005
This wonderful day is brought to you by the makers of Effexor - My God, I love my happy pills.
Vanity, Thy Name is Dana - My roommate thinks I'm vain. I don't.

March, 2005
Is that a salami in your pocket or are you just glad to hear me? - Obscene phone calls I've received working at a sub shop.
Some more evidence for my insanity plea - I decided Beth was the Princess of Doom.

April, 2005
Confession - One of my horrible stories of my wild and crazy youth. I (sob) played Strip Magic. Please don't hate me. And it's Magic, the card game. I didn't try stripping with a David Copperfield wannabe.
Maybe she should have been a cop - Adventures of Keem, furniture police.

May, 2005
8 Mile? Try 8 Year - Yeah, my life kind of sucks. Received news I wasn't expecting from the doctor.
Quite possibly the best description of me. Ever. - From Johnny.
Proof that Johnny is always right - Tree hugging, wanting to go to JournalCom but mainly because of there being pandas at the nearby zoo, being silly at karaoke.
Language Lessons - All about the first swear words I learned.

June, 2005
If fear of something is a phobia, what do you call a fear of fear itself? - A post about my phobias.
Why I am not allowed to play with power tools - I am not exactly careful.

July, 2005
Open Mouth. Insert Foot - Yeah, I kind of told my boss he was the perfect man and flashed my breast at him. Oops.
Edmund Wayde the 2nd - A tale about my nickname in high school. And how I was kidnapped by leprecauns.
One way to get a reputation - About my propensity for tree hugging.
Kiss Me - About getting caught in the rain and my idea of a dream kiss and about the double puppies.

August, 2005
Alcohol - Different times I have been drunk and why I am never drinking again.
Why I'm not a world famous artist - About the art class that I thought would be an easy A.
Those Things Are Hers - Random stuff. Pondering, things I love, things I hate, etc.
My Introduction to Comic Books - About my first boyfriend and why I love comic book geeks.
The Rainbow Connection - How I have a tendency to turn myself different colors.
An Alarming Post - One of my pet peeves.

September, 2005
She Must Die! - Why I want to kill Keem (Okay, not really).
The Life and Times of Dana Marie - Lots of stuff.
How did you celebrate National Talk Like A Pirate Day? - I won Pirate Porn. How about you?
This is wrong - Different images of Jesus. I am so going to hell.

October, 2005
So Saitheth Thy Queen - Things I would do if I was in charge. Don't mess with me, people.
Faking It - Pretty much only I would fake being hypnotized so I didn't embarrass the hypnotist.
November, 2005
FYI - My own public service announcement. About not eating molasses cookies with pickles.
Why I Need Effexor - About my pet rock. He ran away. It has scarred me so.
Reason 1 as to why I am never having children - A horrible babysitting experience.

December, 2005
Now entering cold/flu season - Population me - An amusing list of being sick.
A miracle has happened - I cleaned. Hey. It's a miracle to those who know me.
Happy Tuesday to me - Packages I received, including a scary movie about clowns.
It's Alive! - Things I received in the mail, the long awaited review to the Pirate Porn movie I received in September.

January, 2006
Happy Freakin' New Year - Mainly complaining about work but the horrible day was lightened up when my boss swore at me.
What to write? What to write? - Random billboards that amused me and Keem.
The excitement of my week - Random stuff, covering everything from karaoke to a horrible visit to the doctor in which I ended up being attacked by vampire nurses.

February, 2006
Things I have learned doing laundry and beer is bad - An amusing list (okay, amusing to me) of some of the things that happened to me in laundry and why I should not drink beer ever.
Greetings, Earthling - I mean Alien - I was chosen by blogs in space to be the most likely to be contacted and wrote up some info for them about my oddness.